The Queen of compromise FRIZZY LIZZY god bless her and all who sail in her, couldnt make up her mind what she wanted CORPORAL PUNISHMENT to do; Run report or Elite walkers report?? so what we got was full blown Scottish jibberish which related to an event in Jerra - bom - berra. Close enuf. The trail was actually set by EASY as a tour de Jerra specifically for BETTY BOOP, who as it turned out, I left in Adelaide. Now there are schools of thought that South Australia should be written off as a lost cause and evacuated. However, i think it should be fenced and anyone who willingly wants to live there should not be allowed to intermingle with the rest of the population. End of rant. The run was described thus: BROWN.....The runners were all over the place like browns cows, a little bit of brown came out when he saw a brown snake, he got lost on his way to the brown oval, he asked a local brown chap for directions, apart from that it was a "pretty good run" nicely punctuated with a side trip to the quarry waterfall past all the McMansions. GERBILs fucked off on all the other runners, leaving a cock shaped dust cloud behind him as he ran up jerra's heartbreak hill. There was a problem finding trail as the kangaroos had licked up all the flour. WXMAN is back to his absolute worst, and there was much rejoicing. The Hare song only produced one verse tonight. VVRs of note: COPORAL PUNISHMENT CENTREFOLD delightfully retold the story of MIGHTY APHRODITEs life with WXMAN and WXDOG. Mrs SCROTUM BITER was named TEABAG. CRASH and BURN was charged for telling females the truth about men and lying about SUNBEAMs cooking ability. TURKEY SLAP was presented with a collar and lead which apparently weren't for his dog. The 50% of RAMBO that hasn't been left on footpaths in the form of calories was charged. Apparently TURKEY SLAP is off to turkey to meet all the other slaps! GOBBLES and COUNTERFEET were charged for just turning up. SCROTUM BITER was charged for waiting four weeks to tell his Mrs that he is a hasher and not a piano player on an oil rig. MIGHTY was pretty keen to spill the beans on her bush and junk. CENTREFOLD was charged for having non consentual sex with a statue. BIG BOUY charged poor SOFT CENTRE for being the cause of everything. CORPORAL charged INFALLABLE for the 2001 Xmas run. SUNBEAM was charged for waking up Cooma, with his snoring, during the Perisher hash weekend. RUBBER DUCKY was charged for taking Jerras entire 2016 prickle allocation into the ACT. GERBILs lost altitude, FRIZZY lost respect and BUSHMAN and MATILDA lost their "low profile" status. WXMAN fronted up with his school bag. CORPORAL PUNISHMENT complained about the beer being all gay. RUBBER DUCK was sprung short cutting through the Jerra prickle beds. DT and PT arranged for the Freckle of the week to go to RUBBER DUCKY due to the outlandish pattern on his Ter-rous-sirs. TOYBOY achieved the not insignificant feat of 600 "seen to leaves". Remember, all care is taken to accurately transcribe the evenings goings on into the minutes. However, there is a slight possibility that what happened and what i remember happening may come out slightly differently. GOD BLESS THE HASH, ON ON to the Pussy run at Coolamon court